Saturday 15 May 2010

1 Week Old

The kittens are now one week old, and they're already getting bigger. I'm thinking of changing Freddie's name to Max though as Freddie doesn't suit him/her.

If it's a girl, Maxine/Maxie and if it's a boy just Max. Ava's name suits him or her, and I think its a good name so not changing it :)

I've taken tons and tons of photographs of them, and when I've got a good collection from now until they're at that fluffy cute stage, I'll send them off to be printed properly.

If they're both boys, I can keep both of them but if one of them is a girl, then they're going to a lovely new home with Claire :) I'll miss them but I know they'll be ok :)

I'm having a half hour break from revision seeing as I've been revising since half 9 this morning :( bad times!


Love them both, and I can't wait for them to become fluffy balls of mischief, though I'm sure my room will suffer!! :P

1 comment:

  1. They're absolutely beautiful Sammie :) and yes, if one of them's a girl they've definitely got a home with me :)
